Lee Hood On Fire

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Lee Hood On Fire: Leroy Hood, M.D., Ph.D. Interviews Dr. Francis Collins, Director of NIH
On June 18, 2021, Dr. Leroy Hood conducted a virtual interview with Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the… Read More
By and August 24, 2021
Lee Hood On Fire: Paradigm-Busting 21st Century Medicine Commonwealth Club Interview
With its main campus located near Delhi’s bustling airport and outposts throughout India, Medanta operates a portfolio of… Read More
By and August 5, 2021
How Science Education Can Stave Off Demagogues
As we turn the page to new political leadership in this nation, it will be tempting to treat… Read More
By July 8, 2021
Alzheimer’s Disease: My Personal Journey and Search for a Cure
My personal journey with Alzheimer’s began in 2005 when my wife, Valerie, received her diagnosis with this terrible… Read More
By June 22, 2021
Scientific Aging: The Genetic Basis for Longer, Healthier Lifespans
In his recently published book, Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer, economist Steven Johnson chronicles the… Read More
By and June 3, 2021
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TRANSCRIPT: Why We Age—And Why We Don’t Have To—Dr. David Sinclair & Dr. Leroy Hood
Institute for Systems Biology — Town Hall Science Series, April 21, 2021.  Sponsored by the Seattle Science Foundation… Read More
By May 1, 2021
Long-Haul COVID: Real, Complex and Challenging
Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, doctors began seeing puzzling symptoms in patients that lasted well beyond… Read More
By April 20, 2021
The Science of Wellness
America was sick before COVID-19 struck. The pandemic has made our national sickness more acute and illustrated the… Read More
By March 23, 2021
Getting Scientific About Wellness: Introducing Lee Hood
Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love…. Read More
By March 23, 2021