Jeff Jones

Jeff Jones is the new Senior Advisor, Strategic Growth, at Cedar, the New York-based healthcare financial engagement platform. He started his healthcare career in 1986 at Arthur Anderson, and then became a partner and owner of Stockamp & Associates, a management consulting firm. Along the way, Jones did stints at Huron Consulting (which bought Stockamp), and Conifer Health Solutions, where he served as chief commercial and strategy officer. In 2018, he also founded the JDJones Group which serves companies across the healthcare ecosystem, including providers, payers, tech and life sciences companies. He started JDJones Group to engage with people across the industry working to change the industry for good.

For over 30 years, Jones has been trying to change healthcare from the inside from an incumbent’s point of view. Now, he’s taking those lessons learned and trying to change healthcare from the outside, from a patient’s point of view.

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Healthcare’s Final Frontier: Engaging Consumers
Healthcare is going retail, fast. Care delivery is decentralizing. New interoperability and transparency regulations are making product and… Read More
By , and March 22, 2022