The Coming Healthcare Revolution

10 Forces that Will Cure America’s Health Crisis.
Get the new book by Paul Kusserow and David W. Johnson.


Expert Review of America’s Antiquated Healthcare System

10 Forces That Will Cure America’s Health Crisis

The Coming Healthcare Revolution: The 10 Forces that Will Cure America’s Health Crisis identifies and describes five top-down macro forces and five bottom-up market forces that have sufficient strength to transform the U.S. healthcare industry from the outside-in. The powerful macro forces are demographic determinants, funding fatigue, chronic pandemics, technological imperatives, and pro-consumer/market reforms. The equally powerful market forces are whole health, care redesign, care migration, aggregators’ advantage, and empowered caregivers. Read more

What’s Coming for American Healthcare?

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Dangerous Combos
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High Cost, Poor Results
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Repeating the Past

Understand and React to the Paradigm-Shifting Forces

On the road to improve health outcomes and overall societal health, can healthcare really decentralize delivery of whole-person health?

Dangerous Combination An aging population, perverse economic incentives and armies of middlemen are pushing costs to new heights. Is healthcare pricing itself out of existence?

High Cost, Poor Results U.S. healthcare costs twice as much as it should and stinks even more if you look at the metrics. What are we doing wrong?

Repeating the Past There’s no question today’s healthcare looks like the late-80s auto crisis. It’s an adapt-or-die situation for healthcare providers and suppliers.

Pre-Order The New Book

Book Release: November 2024

David W. Johnson

Revolutionary, Healthcare

Paul Kusserow

Strategist, Healthcare

The Coming Healthcare Revolution: 10 Forces that Will Cure America’s Health Crisis

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