January 15, 2025

Medicare Enrollment Trends in Four Charts
As a journalist, I love projections, estimates, predictions and speculation. They all make good stories. But what I love even more as a journalist are facts. Give me the facts so I can tell you the truth. Despite what Cheeto Jesus and his handlers say, there are no alternative facts. There is no alternative truth. It is what it is, as I like to say at the poker table after I lose another hand.
That’s why I like CMS’s annual release of National Health Expenditure (NHE) data. Historical, which CMS released in December, not projected, which CMS released last September.
At the bottom of one of the historical NHE tables, CMS reports how many people are enrolled in Medicare, and how many of those beneficiaries are enrolled in traditional Medicare versus private Medicare plans, also known as Medicare Advantage. No projections. No estimates. No predictions. No speculation. Just the facts as CMS knows them based on the agency’s own data. It is what it is.
The reason those facts are important is because, as I pointed out in last week’s blog post, spending on Medicare privatization is breaking the bank. If proponents of Medicare privatization have their way, we as taxpayers and future Medicare beneficiaries are going to pay the price.
So here, in four charts, are four fact-based trends in Medicare enrollment, based on historical CMS data.
Total Medicare Enrollment This Year
Total Medicare enrollment reached a little more than 65.1 million people in 2023. That’s up 23.3% over the 10-year period, 2014 through 2023.
Total Medicare Enrollment Over 10 Years
Total Medicare enrollment grew an average of 2.4% a year over the 10-year period, 2014 through 2023.
Breakdown of Medicare Enrollment By Year
The breakdown of total Medicare enrollment by year over the 10-year period, 2014 through 2023, shows traditional Medicare enrollment decreasing and private Medicare plan enrollment increasing.
Traditional Medicare’s Share of Total Medicare Enrollment
Traditional Medicare’s share of total Medicare enrollment decreased while private Medicare plans’ share of total Medicare enrollment increased over the 10-year period, 2014 through 2023.
There you have it. Four facts on Medicare enrollment trends. It is what it is. Let the speculation begin!
Thanks for reading.